UPDATE: Google deleted me this wallpaper by petition of Atari's lawyers, so this wallpaper is not avaliable anymore, sorry :P
Enjoy an authentic classic arcade machine as a wallpaper on your ANDROID phone!
The game inside the machine is not a video, is an EMULATOR, this means you´ll actually will have the REAL game that you could find in the arcades, as LIVE WALLPAPER!
*Super Low Battery Consumption.
You'll need Centipede arcade ROMS ir order to make the arcade machine work, the game is CopyRight of ATARI and I cannot supply it to you.
UPDATE: Now included a little app that downloads the needed roms automatically, just execute' Centipede Live' on your apps menu and press the download button. No need to do nothing manually.

The romset you need is called Centipede (Revision 3), and the file is 'centiped.zip', you can easily find in google, on your MAME compilations, or using your favourite android ROM search app. You cap put this file (no need to unzip) on the root of your sdcard or on a directory called 'CentipedeLiveWallpaper'.
update: For Millipede you'll need 'milliped.zip' roms.
*This Wallpaper is ANDROID 2.2 Compatible, and will run better on HD Screen Phones.*
Att: Emulation is not perfect, and it may freeze when you load or change the wallpaper, if this happens to you, plz reload the wallpaper. :)
At home, press Menu, Wallpapers and select Live Wallpapers. Then select Centipede Live wallpaper or Millipede Live Wallpaper, enjoy!
Coming Soon:
-More Classic Arcade Machine Wallpapers! Pacman, Space Invaders and more Arcade Cabinets are in the work!
-More view modes (with artworks or only the emulator).
-Play with the game that you have on your Arcade Live Wallpaper.